Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Cake.

On 12/12/2010 my friend and I attended our friend's wedding Aziz and Sue. We went there to perform gamelan for their wedding. It was OK performance even though we trained for only 2 days. Hahaha! But what I want to tell you guys is the wedding cake that attracts me. The cake was so beautiful and very pretty (same meaning). It was my first time seeing this kind of cake wedding. The shape of the cake is like a pillows that has been stacked on each other. A very attractive cake =)

Credit goes to Syed Syaffiq Taqiuddin and his family for the lovely wedding cake.
Such a pretty cake. Nicely done.
Here are the cakes. 
Aziz and Sue
Aziz and Sue
Aziz and Sue


  1. heyk eyh....mekaseh syuk 4 the post.....hehe...thxthx.....kalau ada org nak tempah kek tu...pass kat aku yerk...haha.....thx kawan:D
