On April, my chef (Chef Zaid) invinted a few of my friends and i for a photoshoot for a cooking magazine. The task is simple, all we need to do is just help him to make a mise-en-place (early preparation) for him. So we helped him the day before the photoshoot so that it will be easier for him to cook. He made 10 dishes using frozen items such as crab stick, seafood balls, chicken drummet and a few seafoods. All of his dishes are specialized for fasting month and it is really easy to made.
Chef Zaid

The whole group.
Chef Zaid
Hot Dog Cheese Roll
*Ayam Masak Merah
*Ayam Masak Kicap
*Ketam Masak Lemak Cili Api
Then after waiting for a few months. I got to see my face on the magazine!
The whole group.